Go to link: https://www.chartboost.com/support/sdk_download/?os=ios and add Chartboost folder to your project.
Step 2:
Add framework to your project:
, SystemConfiguration
and StoreKit
Note: AdSupport is Optional
Step 3:
//-----> Add follow code to your - (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application <-----//
Chartboost *cb = [Chartboost sharedChartboost];
// Add your own app id & signature. These can be found on App Edit page for your app in the Chartboost dashboard
cb.delegate = self;
// Begin a user session. This should be done once per boot
[cb startSession];
// Cache an interstitial at the default location
[cb cacheInterstitial];
// Cache an interstitial at some named locations -- recommended!!
[cb cacheInterstitial:@"Main Menu"];
[cb cacheInterstitial:@"After level 1"];
// Once cached, you can use showInterstitial at any point in your app to display the interstitial immediately
// Cache the more apps page so it's ready & loaded
[cb cacheMoreApps];
Dont't forget..
//--> At AppDelegate.h <--
#import "Chartboost.h"
@interface AppDelegate : UIResponder <UIApplicationDelegate, ChartboostDelegate>
Step 4: At method action for button "More App", add code:
[[Chartboost sharedChartboost ] setDelegate:self];
[[Chartboost sharedChartboost] showMoreApps];
Don't forget: (At ViewController contain button More App --> Example: MoreAppViewController
//-----> MoreAppViewController.h <-------
#import "Chartboost.h"
@interface MoreAppViewController : UIViewController<ChartboostDelegate>
//-----> Add two method to MoreAppViewController.m <-------
- (BOOL)shouldDisplayMoreApps
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden:YES];
return YES;
- (void)didCloseMoreApps
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden:NO];
==>>>> Enjoy it!
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